How to Have a Great 2024

Face the Culture’s first guest of the year was Rod Laughlin of It was a great and uplifting conversation. As the world burns around us, the hope of Christ is ever present. His wisdom, guidance and counsel have no human match. Rod has not given us yet another version of Scripture or someone’s interpretation of an original language translation. The words are exact translations from the original languages, but the format is now easier to follow. Instead, he has changed the format so that it is easier to understand the narrative in a meaningful way. The layout is in a modern format making Scripture flow and connect the stories.

Why is it so important to understand the Bible? This is God’s Word. This is Him talking to his creation, people in particular. It is the owner’s manual on how to live life. What’s good and what’s bad. And how do you know what is good and bad? It is our loving God’s desire that we walk with Him and find His love and strength to be ours. He wants us to be wise and think through life before making decisions and speaking and coming to conclusions.

When we obey His Word, we reap the blessings of obedience. Sin brings shame and condemnation. For all we humans who struggle with our sin nature in various ways the key is to find forgiveness of our sins through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. He came to die on the cross and took the sins of all humanity on Him. Have you personally called on the name of the Lord to save you from your sin? Repent (be sorry for your sin) and ask Christ to forgive you. Read Romans 1, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23 and Romans 10:9,10 and make it a great year!

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I Don't Know What to Do
